Nestled in a little shopping center, in the far away ‘ville of Sun City, there lies a small dispensary with big plans.
The spacious corner lot of the strip mall located at 9420 W Bell Rd, in sun city, houses a one of a kind of dispensary. This mom-and-pop store has a homey feel to it הבלוג שלי. The hearty greeting from friendly staff make you feel warm and welcome when you walk in the door.

There are informational guides on the walls to help the newer patients decide what product is beat for them. Also, check out the old-time pharmacist set including beakers on display in the waiting room.
Being in business for 5 years, White Mountain has become a staple of the Sun City cannabis culture. It was the first dispensary to set up in Sun City, paving the way for others to follow. Not only is White Mountain Health a dispensary storefront but it also produces 2 brands that a crazy popular in the larger PHX cannabis scene.
Amy & Al’s is a patient favorite, and not just according to the Phoenix New Times. Last year, the brand picked up a win for best edible in PNT’s annual the “best-of” issue. But, more interestingly, even staff from other dispensaries have been known to trek twenty miles each way for an Amy & Al brownie.
White Mountain Health is also home to Sweet Science Concentrates, with a variety from budder, shatter, and vape carts. And, since the recent Greenhouse take-over of Curaleaf, White Mountain Health has taken over Greenhouse’s point system–1 point = $1.00 discount, 400 points = $50.00 off next order. Since that change took place, you might even want to check out the possibility of getting an all-new first-time patient special.
Free Glass Pipe or Accessory!
Buy one get one free (BOGO)
Up to an 1/8th of Flower
1 gram of concentrate (shatter, crumble, sugar wax, etc.)
Any Amy and Al’s edible
Any Sweet Science Cartridge
Redeem this deal a 2nd time when making another purchase within 30 days
BTW, this is not a onetime special. Every time you renew your patient card, you are considered a first-time patient, meaning you get the same deal. Unfortunately, this does NOT include the free pipe, but BOGOs on meds totally makes up for that.
It’s clear to see from White Mountain Health that the patient is the focus of this company! And…. Bigger is not always better!
—Allison Stein writes for AZ Cannabis News