The number of cannabis-related bills in the Arizona Legislature has been slashed to just five, signaling the start of what is called crossover week—a brief intermission, at least to the public.Think of it like a theater production: while the audience catches its breath, the cast and crew rush to reset the stage, change costumes, and prepare for the next act. Similarly, legislators and lobbyists are working behind the scenes—filing amendments, whipping votes, and ensuring their bills make it to the second and final round.
So far, two cannabis-related measures—HB 2179 (Marijuana Advertising Restrictions) and SB 1105 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; Location)—have successfully crossed over from their chamber of origin. Both bills have also cleared their first and second readings and have been assigned to committees, moving them one step closer to potential passage.
Meanwhile, three other bills—SB 1230 (Marijuana Clinical Research Trials), SB 1556 (Adult Hemp Beverages Policies), and SB 1713 (Marijuana Dual Licensees in Rural Communities)—are still waiting for a Committee of the Whole (COW) hearing. Unlike formal floor sessions, COW is a more flexible process where lawmakers debate and amend bills before they advance to a final roll-call vote. A designated legislator presides over the discussion, guiding members through the proposed changes.
But time is running out. By the end of next week, any bill that hasn’t crossed over is effectively dead.
Why Is It Called "Whipping Votes"?
The term "whipping votes" has its roots in fox hunting. In the past, a "whipper-in" was responsible for keeping the hunting dogs together, ensuring they stayed on track and didn’t stray. In politics, a party whip does something similar—but instead of dogs, they’re keeping lawmakers in line. Their job is to rally party members, making sure they show up to vote and stick to the party’s strategy. If legislators start to wander, the whip pulls them back in—just like the whipper-in did with the hounds.
Summary (Since Last Week)
HB2179 Marijuana; Advertising; Restrictions
Status:Awaiting Senate Health and Human Services Committee Vote
Senate 2nd Read
Senate 1st Read
Referred Health and Human Services Committee
Referred Senate Rules Committee
SB1105 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; Location
Status: Awaiting House Health & Human Services Committee Vote
House 2nd Read
House 1st Read
Hearing Scheduled – 03/03/2025, 2:00 PM – House HHS, HHR 4
Referred to House Rules Committee
Referred House Health & Human Services Committee
Awaiting Senate COW (Committee Of Whole)
SB1230 Marijuana; Clinical Research Trials
SB1556 Adult hemp beverages; policies; procedures
SB1713 Marijuana; dual licensees; rural communities
Senate Minority & Majority Caucus
SB1556 Adult hemp beverages; policies; procedures
SB1713 Marijuana; dual licensees; rural communities
Senate Rules
SB1556 Adult hemp beverages; policies; procedures
SB1713 Marijuana; dual licensees; rural communities
HB2179-Marijuana; Advertising; Restrictions
Status:Awaiting Senate Health and Human Services Committee Vote
02/26/2025 Senate 2nd Read
02/25/2025 Senate 1st Read
02/25/2025 Referred Health and Human Services Committee
02/25/2025 Senate Rules Committee
02/13/2025 Transmitted To Senate
02/13/2025 Due Pass House Third Read (vote 51-3-6)
02/10/2025 Due Pass as Amended House Committee of the Whole
02/04/2025 House Minority Caucus
02/04/2025 House Majority Caucus
02/03/2025 House Consent Calendar
02/03/2025 C&P (Constitutional & Proper)House Rules
01/21/2025 Due Pass House HHS Health & Human Services, (vote 12-0-0)
01/21/2025 House 2nd Read
01/16/2025 House House 1st Read
01/16/2025 House Referred to House (HHS) Health & Human Services Committee
01/16/2025 House Referred to House Rules Committee
01/14/2025 House Introduced
Summary: Restricts the marketing, promotion, sponsorship, advertisement, or advertising for Marijuana, products containing tetrahydrocannabinol, intoxicating cannabinoids, or marijuana paraphernalia to a licensed marijuana establishment or nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary. Defines advertising restrictions on a marijuana establishment or nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary and provides text that must be included in all advertising. Defines restrictions on billboard advertising and outlines the process and penalties for noncompliance including timelines, deadlines and possible penalties. Stipulates that for the purposes of this legislation advertising does not include communication targeted to an established customer base. Effective date is July 1, 2026
Sections Affected
36-2859- Amended
Prime: Bliss
VPA- Voter Protection Act (Prop 105): Yes
FOR MORE INFO (House Engrossed Version)
HOUSE SUMMARY: 02/18/2025 House Engrossed
SB1105- Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; Location
Status: Awaiting House Health & Human Services Committee Vote
02/27/2025 House 2nd Read
02/26/2025 House 1st Read
02/26/2025 Referred to House Rules Committee
02/26/2025 Referred House Health & Human Services Committee
02/25/2025 Hearing Scheduled – 03/03/2025, 2:00 PM – House HHS, HHR 4
02/20/2025 Transmit to House
02/20/2025 Pased Senate Third Reading (29-0-1)
02/20/2025 Due Pass as Amended (DPA) Senate Committee of the Whole
02/04/2025 Senate Majority Caucus
02/04/2025 Senate Minority Caucus
02/03/2025 Senate Consent
02/03/2025 PFC (Proper Form/ Constitutional) Senate Rule
01/29/2025 Due Pass Senate Education (ED) (vote 6-0-1)
01/22/2025 Senate 2nd Read
01/16/2025 Senate 1st Read
01/16/2025 Senate Referred to Senate Education Committee
01/16/2025 Senate Referred to Senate Rules Committee
01/14/2025 Senate Introduced
Summary: Adds childcare facilities or facilities that provide preschool programs to the distance restrictions for the location of a medical marijuana dispensary. Requires an affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the members of each House of the legislature.
Sections Affected
36-2804- Amended
Prime: Bolick
Co-Sponsor: Miranda
VPA- Voter Protection Act (Prop 105): Yes
FOR MORE INFO (Senate Engrossed Version)
SENATE FACT SHEET: 2/20/2025 ED As Passed COW
SB1230- Marijuana; Clinical Research Trials
Status: Awaiting Senate COW (Committee Of Whole)
No Movement
02/18/2025 Senate Majority Caucus – Y
02/18/2025 Senate Minority Caucus – Y
02/17/2025 Senate Consent Calendar – Object: Yes
02/17/2025 PFC – Senate Rules
02/11/2025 DP (Due Pass) Senate Appropriations (7-3-0)
02/05/2025 DP (Due Pass) Senate Health and Human Services (6-0-1)
01/28/2025 Senate 2nd Read
01/27/2025 Senate 1st Read
01/27/2025 Referred to Senate Rules Committee
01/27/2025 Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
01/27/2025 Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee
01/22/2025 Senate Introduced
Summary: Requires monies in the Medical Marijuana Fund to be used to provide grants for marijuana clinical trials conducted pursuant to state law, versus it being an option to use those funds in that manner. Stipulates that this legislation becomes effective only on the affirmative vote of at least three fourths of the members of each House of the legislature.
Sections Affected
36-2817- Amended
36-2822- Amended
Prime: Payne
VPA- Voter Protection Act (Prop 105): Yes
SB1556 – Adult hemp beverages; policies; procedures
Status: Awaiting Senate COW (Committee Of Whole)
02/24/2025 Senate Minority Caucus
02/24/2025 Senate Majority Caucus
02/24/2025 Senate Consent Calendar – Object: Yes
02/24/2025 PFC – Senate Rules
02/13/2025 Due Pass (DP)Senate Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency
02/11/2025 Senate 2nd Read
02/10/2025 Senate 1st Read
02/10/2025 Referred to Senate Regulatory Affairs and Government Efficiency Committee
02/10/2025 Referred to Senate Rules Committee
02/03/2025 Senate Introduced
Summary: Creates a new “adult hemp beverage” (defined) category and regulates it similarly to spirituous liquor. It defines adult hemp beverages as low-THC drinks derived from industrial hemp and authorizes current liquor licensees—producers, wholesalers, retailers, and delivery contractors—to add permissions for manufacturing, distributing, selling, or delivering these products without a separate hearing. Sets a gallon-based tax rate of $1.50 for adult hemp beverages, requires laboratory testing for total THC potency and contaminants, and specifies packaging, serving size, and labeling requirements, including quick-response codes linked to lab reports. Requires adult hemp beverage producers to obtain a manufacturer license or amend an existing producer or craft producer license; allows wholesalers, retailers, and delivery contractors to expand their existing permissions by filing a streamlined application. Includes a 90-day grace period for retailers and wholesalers to sell existing hemp beverage inventory, after which unapproved products are subject to seizure. Appropriates $1 million from the liquor licenses fund to the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control to administer the regulation. Requires all new testing labs to be approved and permitted, and existing department rules for spirituous liquor largely apply, unless deemed inapplicable.
Sections Affected
3-314 Amended
4-101 Amended
4-112 Amended
4-114 Amended
4-201 Amended
4-202 Amended
4-203 Amended
4-204 Amended
4-205.04 Amended
4-205.06 Amended
4-205.13 Amended
4-205.08 Amended
4-205 Amended
4-205.01 Amended
4-205.02 Amended
4-205.05 Amended
4-205.10 Amended
4-206.01 Amended
4-207.01 Amended
4-207.02 Amended
4-207.03 Amended
4-208 Amended
4-209 Amended
4-210 Amended
4-212 Amended
4-213 Amended
4-215 Amended
4-216 Added
4-222 Amended
4-223 Amended
4-224 Amended
4-225 Repealed
4-226 Amended
4-227 Amended
4-227.01 Amended
4-241 Amended
4-242 Amended
4-243.01 Amended
4-243.04 Amended
4-243 Amended
4-243.02 Amended
4-244.02 Amended
4-244 Amended
4-244.05 Amended
4-245 Added
4-250.01 Amended
4-251 Amended
4-301 Amended
4-302 Amended
4-311 Amended
4-312 Amended
36-136 Amended
42-3001 Amended
42-3051 Amended
42-3052 Amended
42-3351 Amended
42-3352 Amended
42-3354 Amended
42-3355 Amended
42-3357 Added
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas “T.J.” Shope (R)
VPA- Voter Protection Act (Prop 105): No
SB1713 – Marijuana; dual licensees; rural communities
Status: Awaiting Senate COW (Committee Of Whole)
02/26/2025 Senate Majority Caucus
02/24/2025 Senate Minority Caucus
02/24/2025 Senate Consent Calendar
02/24/2025 PFC – Senate Rules
02/18/2025 Due Pass (DP) Senate Natural Resources Committee
02/11/2025 Senate 2nd Read
02/10/2025 Senate 1st Read
02/10/2025 Referred to Senate Natural Resources Committee
02/10/2025 Referred to Senate Rules Committee
02/03/2025 Senate – Introduced
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to issue rules pertaining to marijuana establishment licenses and nonprofit marijuana dispensary registration certificates. Defines the criteria needing to be included in determining eligibility for a license or certificate. Defines the purposes and scope of the licenses. Requires the ADHS to issue rules that allow the establishment of a Rural Opportunity Initiative to create tax revenue and economic opportunities for rural communities. Outlines deadlines for adopting and posting rules, accepting, processing and granting applications. Defines the criteria for eligibility for a license or certificate, including duel licenses or certificates. Requires at least three-fourths of the members of the legislature to support this legislation for it to become effective.
Sections Affected
36-2854 Amended
36-2857.01 Added
Sponsor: Sen. David Gowan (R)
VPA- Voter Protection Act (Prop 105): Yes